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Investing in Bunch: Helping Managers Be the Best They Can Be

M13’s lead investment will help Bunch build an AI-driven learning community for millennial managers.

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Karl Alomar
Karl Alomar
Matt Hoffman
Matt Hoffman
By M13 Team
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March 16, 2020

3 min

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Having scaled multiple high-growth companies that have been recognized for strong cultures, we’ve seen firsthand the impact that strong cultures can have in scaling our own businesses.

The data continues to support the correlation of strong people leadership and the performance of scaling companies. Now even boards are asking for this data to assess company health as much as they would’ve looked at financial or market data in the past. It’s also the right thing to do—in recent years, employees are demanding more meaningful, fulfilling, and impactful cultures within their working environment.

The irony is that even with the importance of people dynamics and sentiment clearly demonstrated, there continues to be no effective way for leaders to measure and track that sentiment in real-time … until now. Darja Gutnick and her team at have created an efficient and personalized service that lets you use data to build high-performance teams in a high-speed environment.

Leaders today have limited portals of visibility into their company’s dynamics—periodic surveys, annual review processes, and occasional direct feedback. The result is volumes of data, many broad ways to drive engagement, and a lack of focused tactics to make a real-time impact.

In parallel, there has been a revolution in digital communication tools that have driven online chatter within an organization to a new peak. We call the remnants of this stream “digital exhaust.” Bunch takes advantage of your company’s digital exhaust to drive algorithms that analyze sentiment, leveraging intra-organizational communication that culminates in a real-time view of exactly what is happening on the ground. Bunch takes you under the hood of your company, identifies opportunities that can be swiftly managed before they become larger issues, while efficiently utilizing your time as a leader.

Digital exhaust provides incredible insight into tendencies and engagement without breaching the veil of personal privacy and data protection. Having developed the technology in Berlin, Bunch complies with Germany’s strong ethos of privacy and data protection and permits insights without exposing actual communications or employee identity.

The ability to access a privacy-conscious real-time dashboard of company sentiment offers unprecedented insight into people operation effectiveness and real-time culture building initiatives and other leadership actions.

A leadership tool like Bunch was merely a dream for us when leading and scaling companies. The opportunity to shape what promises to revolutionize the way organizations understand and leverage their culture was something we at M13 just couldn’t pass up.

And so we are thrilled to announce that M13 has led the latest round of investment for Bunch and is helping the company bring its unique and exciting technology into the U.S. market so that the organizations here can take advantage of this amazing technology and service. We’re incredibly excited to welcome Darja and the team to the M13 portfolio and look forward to closely working with the founding team as both board member and board observer to support their journey ahead.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Having scaled multiple high-growth companies that have been recognized for strong cultures, we’ve seen firsthand the impact that strong cultures can have in scaling our own businesses.

The data continues to support the correlation of strong people leadership and the performance of scaling companies. Now even boards are asking for this data to assess company health as much as they would’ve looked at financial or market data in the past. It’s also the right thing to do—in recent years, employees are demanding more meaningful, fulfilling, and impactful cultures within their working environment.

The irony is that even with the importance of people dynamics and sentiment clearly demonstrated, there continues to be no effective way for leaders to measure and track that sentiment in real-time … until now. Darja Gutnick and her team at have created an efficient and personalized service that lets you use data to build high-performance teams in a high-speed environment.

Leaders today have limited portals of visibility into their company’s dynamics—periodic surveys, annual review processes, and occasional direct feedback. The result is volumes of data, many broad ways to drive engagement, and a lack of focused tactics to make a real-time impact.

In parallel, there has been a revolution in digital communication tools that have driven online chatter within an organization to a new peak. We call the remnants of this stream “digital exhaust.” Bunch takes advantage of your company’s digital exhaust to drive algorithms that analyze sentiment, leveraging intra-organizational communication that culminates in a real-time view of exactly what is happening on the ground. Bunch takes you under the hood of your company, identifies opportunities that can be swiftly managed before they become larger issues, while efficiently utilizing your time as a leader.

Digital exhaust provides incredible insight into tendencies and engagement without breaching the veil of personal privacy and data protection. Having developed the technology in Berlin, Bunch complies with Germany’s strong ethos of privacy and data protection and permits insights without exposing actual communications or employee identity.

The ability to access a privacy-conscious real-time dashboard of company sentiment offers unprecedented insight into people operation effectiveness and real-time culture building initiatives and other leadership actions.

A leadership tool like Bunch was merely a dream for us when leading and scaling companies. The opportunity to shape what promises to revolutionize the way organizations understand and leverage their culture was something we at M13 just couldn’t pass up.

And so we are thrilled to announce that M13 has led the latest round of investment for Bunch and is helping the company bring its unique and exciting technology into the U.S. market so that the organizations here can take advantage of this amazing technology and service. We’re incredibly excited to welcome Darja and the team to the M13 portfolio and look forward to closely working with the founding team as both board member and board observer to support their journey ahead.

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